Din 5482 Standard
Thanks for sharing your Idea. We use this forum to guide product development and help users in the best way we can, based on voting. We occasionally merge Ideas or archive old ones to keep the forum working properly - it ensures there is room for people to review new Ideas and that the most relevant and meaningful ones can gain votes. We’re archiving this Idea because it's been on the board for over a year and hasn't received many votes from the community. If you want to raise it again and try to gain more support, you're welcome to do so. We’ve found that pictures and mock-ups can help get concepts across and win more votes from other users.
Din 5482 Standard
If you have questions or see a connection between this Idea and others, let us know. Inventor product team (Inv.idea review). I use this work around: insert the nearest dimension of DIN5480 in the design accelerator then explode the feature created in the shaft (it becames an iFeature). Edit the iFeature modifing the dimensions that differ from the DIN5482 standard. I.e.: my task was adding a OD35Xid31XTh18 spline on a shaft; the DIN5480 has a 35x2x16 configuration that means a OD35xin31xTh16.

Exploded the feature I was able to change the teeth number from 16 to 18. I deleted the Spline file from the assembly and from the directory, not to have unuseful things in my work area. Thanks for sharing your Idea. We use this forum to guide product development and help users in the best way we can, based on voting. We occasionally merge Ideas or archive old ones to keep the forum working properly - it ensures there is room for people to review new Ideas and that the most relevant and meaningful ones can gain votes.
We’re archiving this Idea because it's been on the board for over a year and hasn't received many votes from the community. If you want to raise it again and try to gain more support, you're welcome to do so. We’ve found that pictures and mock-ups can help get concepts across and win more votes from other users. If you have questions or see a connection between this Idea and others, let us know. Inventor product team (Inv.idea review).
Software module for the calculation of involute cylindrical gears, external and internal gears, spur and helical gears (DIN 3960 and other) incl. Calculation of the load capacity according to DIN 3990 and ISO 6336 Method B, involute splines according to DIN 5480, DIN 5482, ISO 4156, ANSI B92.2M, ANSI B92.1 and similar. Ebooks/ebooks/music/din 5482 Spline Standard.pdf. Pdf Din 5482 Spline Standard File Type - wmwikis.net Sat, 09 Dec 2017 07:47:00 GMT. Pdf type pdf how, network analysis and synthesis ebook. Standard file type pdf mac os x, din 5482. Filetype pdf, din 5482 spline standard file type Din 5480 Spline Calculator.Pdf - eBook and Manual Free.
Features. It is possible to start all eAssistant calculation modules directly from Autodesk Inventor through an integrated menu. Based on the calculation, external and internal, spur and helical gears can be generated automatically as a feature-based 3D part in Autodesk Inventor. Cylindrical gears can be created as a single part or directly on an existing part. During the generation, a tool runout can be developed.
For this purpose, the user has to specify an offset (increase of the facewidth) or a radius for the cutter or grinding wheel. Based on the calculation, straight, helical and spiral bevel gears can be automatically created as a native 3D part in Autodesk Inventor. A simple mouse-click allows to add all necessary manufacturing data of a gear wheel to the drawing. The data is displayed as a table. The appearance and size of that table is individually configurable. Solid and hollow shafts with an unlimited number of cylindrical and conical shaft segments can be generated.
For serrated and splined shaft connections, the shaft and the hub profile can be generated as native 3D models (single part) based on the calculation. Involute splines can be created as a 3D Autodesk Inventor part (single part or directly on existing part) on the basis of the calculated data. With just one click, the design table with all manufacturing details of involute splines can be placed on the drawing as well. The calculation information is saved in the 3D model and is available at any time. Bidirectional connection between eAssistant and Autodesk Inventor (shaft, gear, involute spline profile as single part).
Number of teeth to be generated for cylindrical gears, bevel gears and involute spline profiles can be defined in the option menu. Accuracy / distance between points can be specified in the option menu. Tooth flanks as splines or alternatively as arcs possible. A single menu pick in the eAssistant software transfers the eAssistant calculation data to Autodesk Inventor. All calculation modules can be started directly in Autodesk Inventor. On the basis of the eAssistant calculation using the module 'Cylindrical gear pair', external and internal spur and helical gears can be created automatically as a native 3D part in Autodesk Inventor.
Addendum chamfer, profile shift, tolerances and shaft bore will be considered in the calculation and modelling. The gears include the accurate tooth form. The calculation of the 3D tooth form is conducted according to a mathematical simulation of the manufacturing and rolling process.
The cylindrical gears can be created as a single part or directly on an existing part. During generation, a tool runout can be developed.
For this purpose, the user has to specify an offset (increase of the facewidth) or a radius for the cutter or grinding wheel. Involute splines according to standards such as DIN 5480, DIN 5482, ISO 4156, ANSI B92.2M und ANSI B92.1 can be also created as a 3D part including the accurate gear tooth form. Based on the calculation, straight, helical and spiral bevel gears can be generated as a native 3D part in Autodesk Inventor.
The CAD model stores all features and dimensions as design parameters. The eAssistant calculation including all design parameters is saved in the part and can be opened at any time throughout the entire design phase. The plugin provides a very fast and comfortable generation of 3D shafts. The geometry of the shaft can be defined very easily.
Din 5482 Spline Specifications
A simple mouse-click starts the automatic generation in 3D. Solid and hollow shafts with an unlimited number of cylindrical and conical shaft segments can be created as a 3D part. The attractiveness of this CAD plugin is additionally enhanced by the bidirectional connection between eAssistant and Autodesk Inventor. In case changes are required after the calculation and creation of the 3D model, the model can be easily updated based on the modified calculation. This functionality is available for external and internal spur and helical gears, involute splines as well as for hollow and solid shafts. It is a quick and easy way to update 3D models during the development process. With just one click, the design table with all manufacturing details of cylindrical gears, bevel gears and involute splines can be placed on the manufacturing drawing.
The appearance and size of that table is individually configurable. There is no need to manually add all design table parameters to the drawing.

In addition to shafts, gears and involute splines, the generation of serrated and splined shaft profiles is also supported. Based on the calculation, the shaft and the hub profile can be created as a single part in 3D.
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