Final Fight Double Impact For Pc
My Question is: Since SSF4AE is being released for PC does that mean Final Fight: Double Impact will be released for PC? I ask this because I still have the poster for Final Fight: Double Impact I got at wondercon next to my computer. Honestly that was the happiest day of my life, playing a perfect capcom arcade port of Final Fight and that Other game which is just as good all the while I was at wondercon. Not to mention the brilliant features, like detail upscaling and a pretend CRT mode, not to mention Arcade cabinent art. I will buy SSF4AE for PC at full price if it means I get a chance at purchasing Final Fight: Double Impact at full price too for PC. Hell I even considered buying a PS3 or Xbox 360 so I could play Final Fight: Double Impact.
I will buy SSF4AE for PC at full price if it means I get a chance at purchasing Final Fight: Double Impact at full price too for PC. Hell I even considered buying a PS3 or Xbox 360 so I could play Final Fight: Double Impact. All this considering I never even played the original arcade version of Final Fight. I want this game reeaaaallly badly. Xenia Xbox 360 Emulator - Facebreaker Ingame! XENIA Xbox 360 Emulator - Fist of the North Star: Ken's.

Final Fight Double Impact Pc
All this considering I never even played the original arcade version of Final Fight. I want this game reeaaaallly badly. REAAAALLLLY BAAAADLY. Hope For a Reply. Super Quadocky, Were done here. Apr 29, 2011 - 1:06AM, wrote: No plans on this front, but one never knows what the future will hold. Thank you for the Reply.
Final Fight Double Impact Pc
For the sake of my sanity I am going to pretend thats a 'YES SIR, WE ARE GOING TO DO IT, YES SIR REE BOB' I will wait till the ends of time for it to be Released on PC. I mean come on, Magical things happen all the time, anybody remember Final Fantasy 7: Now for the PC? Blew the playstation version out of the water. Its probably very selfish of me to ask this anway, I am not even considering all the other wonderful products Capcom is busy working on.
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