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Welcome to my Ultimate Perfect World Seeker Guide. It has been a long time coming, but I have just not been able to find the time to build a Seeker. I started one, right around the time they were released with that last expansion, and I have been busy with some of my other characters, because, on top of having many above level 70 classes, I have three factions I am leader of also. None of them are big and it will be a while before they become anything, if they ever do. But it is time consuming, and, needless to say, some of my guides have fallen by in the all the business. But I am going to stick by my word and get a guide complete for all the classes in Perfect world. Anyway, lets get started.

What is a Seeker in Perfect World. Seeker is very similar to Blademasters. But, very different. They are melee class, and they are heavy armor wearers, they even have the same statistical attributes as a Blademaster. But that really means little in the actual build of a Seeker. In general, I look at a seeker as a class that falls between a Blademaster and a Barbarian. They are not multipathed like the Blademaster, which means they are going to have extra stat points, which can be added to Vitality or to Dexterity, or even Strength if you like.

But they do not have the specialized skills and stats that Barbarians do. Seekers do more damage that a Barbarian, but less than a Blademaster. And they are reliant on skills to deal the majority of their damage.

With buffs, debuffs and stances, The class has been interesting for me. I want it to be an alternate tank to a Barb, but the hp can be a little questionable, it is not a damage dealer, in the typical sense. It has skills that make it seem like a tank. It has been slightly confusing to me.

What I have been left to decide is, I believe that they are a secondary tank. And general mob control class. And, there is also the pulling ability and AOE. Both are a huge plus. Seekers seem to solo fairly well.

Similar to a Blademaster without Diamond Sutra. That skill is a pretty big loss. Really there is not much to say here. Swords are your choice.


Blades, Dual Blades, Swords and Dual Swords. There is not a whole lot of difference between these weapons. Dual weapons are slower attack weapons, but tend to have a little more damage. But the difference is not noticeable unless you are going for a high APS (Attacks per second).

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Personally I like the APS. Since I use my tank is a mob control/tank role, I tend to find myself in situations where I need to be able to pull aggro. This is a helpful way. So, instead of ranking all the different swords. I will say that single swords are going to be your fastest and most consistent damage, Blades are going to be just as fast, but you will get more variance, higher spikes and lower minimum damage.

Dual Blades and swords are the same but slower. Dual swords will be more consistent damage, and dual blades will give you the spiking. Seekers are a true melee class. This means that they are going to be wearing Heavy armor.

And my preference is elemental ornaments. The rings will always be might rings.

This is basically the same approach as what I would take with a Blademaster. But, lets go into a little more detail about gear. Armors: When you talk about heavy gear. There are some very specific bonuses you will want to look for in choosing your gear. This applies to Wrist, Boots, Legs, and Chest. At the base you want your gear to be as good as you can afford or have for your level. What this means is, Rank gear, Legendary gear, and other High level gear as you go along is going to be your goal.

Before level 30 you will just be wearing whatever you can get your hands on and that will usually be all you need. At level 30 you will want to make sure your reputation is high enough in order to get your rank 1 gear.

This consists of a ring, belt, legs and chest. This is good gear, and it is a good price for what you are. After that, it will take effort for you to look and find what works for you.

Bonuses I generally look for in my Seeker armor is, +HP, +Vit, +Crit, +elemental defense, +attack speed,% reduce damage taken, +physical resistance and +hp or mag regen. Some people are not fans of hp or mp regen, but I think that these people have not really looked at the possibilities of gear with regen properties. I have a barb that regens over 50 per second without buffs or potions. I know it drops off while in battle to 25%, but that is still better than any standard regen rate. These bonuses will help you if you are put in the Tank/mob control role, and it will generally make your life easier while you are soloing.

Helmet: You will always use Might helmets, The higher the +HP on them the better and any bonus stat is a bonus. Again,I would go for +HP, +VIT, +Physical Resistance, and + HP regen. Those are common bonuses for helmets. The point here is to also get as much bang for your buck. Because you are a tweener character, one that is not truly a Tank or a damage dealer, you will need to supplement your deficiencies as much as possible. Robes: This is all the same. You want the best robe you can get for you level.

Meaning the highest level of evasion you can get. And you will want +HP and +VIT and +elemental defense, and regens are a bonus here if you can happen into them. Rings Best night rings you can grab.

The best physical atk+ you can get. Bonus physical atk+ and hp are really what you will hope for in rings. Verypdf pdf to html converter v2.0. +crits, and -interval are also something to try for. Rings are really all about offense, so try to squeeze as much bonus offense out of them as you can. You have a few things to think about as a seeker when you decide how you want to divide your stats up. I look at three possible builds and think they are all viable and any hybrid of the three could be employed effectively.

Tank build: This is a bit of a misnomer of a name, you are not going to have Barbarian level HP. But you will have a nice chunk of VIT.

This is the build I use. My Seeker is a PvE Seeker, I am not on a PvP server nor do I partake in PvP. The build is something like this. Starting at level 3, and continuing, every other level, you will be adding: 5STR, 3DEX, and 2VIT. This will go until the end really. Of course when you get to endgame territory you will not be following this.

You will be planning for endgame. But until level 89 or so you will be following this. This is going to give you the ability to carry the latest Sword, the ability to wear the Latest Heavy gear and give you a very large HP pool.

Dex Build: Here you will be skipping the Vitality you get from the Tank build and you will be dropping it all into Dexterity. This is going to much higher offensive abilities and your evasion will be high.

You will have a good Critical% on top of it all. Seekers, much the same as a Blademaster see the most benefit out of dexterity. Your Evasion and Accuracy are directly related to your dexterity and for a Seeker, that number is higher than any other class, except for the Blademasters. This build is a good one, especially if you are trying to make an offensive seeker, this would be the method that you would want to take.

Strength Build: Here is just what it sounds. And usually I would not recommend this build with other classes. Mostly because your points are better served in other places. But the extra strength points by end game can really add up. And can make your base damage and physical defense quite a bit higher than the other two builds. This is not my first choice, but not one I would say is a bad choice either. There is always hybrid builds, like cutting off VIT at 50 or Cutting off DEX at 140 or any other combination like that.

But these two builds are really the only three I would recommend for a Seeker. And then later in game, you can always restat. Moving the couple extra magic points, or changing from a tank to a strength build is fully possible if you are willing to spend the money or coin. In all my guides this is the part I like the most.

It takes a lot of time and it is very subjective to your play style, but I try my best. It doesn't need to be said, but, use this only as a suggestion. It is really a starting point. Personally, by the time you get to level 50 or so you should have a pretty fair idea how you intend to play your seeker and you would also have a pretty good idea as to what skills you prefer. I am going to break down a seekers skills in 4 categories. We have Attacks, Stances, Passive, and Buff/Debuffs Attacks: Rock splitting cleave: This is your starting skill. It's not really worth much.

I would not bother leveling it any time soon. Staggering Strike: This is a ranged attack, Single Target, it deals damage plus additional damage.

It is also uses Norther Sky Waltz as a trigger skill for a stun and defense drain. This is a high priority skill to level in my book.

Battousai: This is a ranged skill. It is fast, it deals a base damage along with metal damage.

This skill also increases your threat level (aggro). This is a good skill to keep leveled if possible, but I would call it a middle priority skill. Ion Spike: This is your first spark skill. It seems to me to be a decent skill for being your first spark skill. It deals your base damage in metal equal to a% of your weapon damage, plus additional damage, plus a chance to reduce metal resistance.

And, yes, and, it is a AOE. Good skill, middle priority leveling should be implemented here. Stalagstrike: This skill deals a base physical damage, in a AOE, and uses Parchedblade Dance as a trigger to deal extra damage and stun the target. This is a skill I would call high priority. Heart Seeker: This skill deals metal damage equal to your base damage, plus a% of your weapon damage, plus additional damage. It also has a chance to stun your target.

It is also a ranged attack. It is a middle priority.

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Darkcloud Bolt: This is a AOE that deals base damage plus additional damage. Again, I would call it a middle priority at the level it becomes available. It is going to be more useful later when you start AOE grinding. Gemini Slash: This is a AOE, it deals base damage plus a% of damage, plus additional damage. It also uses Soulsever Minuet as a trigger for additional metal damage and a defensive reduction. I love this skill. High Priority to me.

Edged Blur: One of my favorites. AOE, Deals base damage plus Metal damage and hits every three seconds for 12 seconds. Learn it and level it if you are going to be doing any AOE grinding. Yataghan Vortex: I like this one too! It is a constant damage dealer in AOE it drains mana constantly also. It deals a% of your base damage, plus additional damage.

You have to cancel the skill or run out of mana before it will quit. It costs two sparks. It is cool but more for later game.

Stances: Northern Sky Waltz: Your first stance. Used as the Trigger for Staggering strike. It deals additional damage, plus a stun, plus a defensive drain for a certain time.

Level as you can. I would give it a middle priority. Parchedblade Dance: Second stance, it is used as the trigger for Stalagstrike. It has a% chance of inducing bloodlet on your target for a length of time, plus additional damage, plus a stun. I think all the stances and their skills are good. I would give this a middle priority as well. Soulsever Minuet: This is your third and final stance.

This stance is trigger for Gemini Slash. Has a chance to inflict spirit bore on the target, along with extra metal damage, plus a defense level reduction.

This again would be a middle range skill to learn. I think out of the stances, I hold off on this one for a bit due to its cost. I am a firm believer in keeping a couple skills maxed and fill in with the others as you can while you are lower levels. Passive: Blade & Sword Mastery: No discussion here. This is a skill you keep maxed. Buffs/Debuffs: Unfetter: Increases movement speed by a% for 15 seconds. I say get it but don't bother leveling it.

Later in game if you are going for APS, you may want to level it. But it does not speed casting. It is nice for running away or to someplace. Bladed Fervor: Your self buff. It gives you a 1% crit bonus along with a slow increase of your attack level and defense level. I would keep it leveled if you can.

Blade Affinity: This is a channeling time decrease buff. It is a 6 second buff and leveling it increases the speed. Lower levels really will have no need for this. Not until later in game. Learn it and leave it until you see a need for it.

Heart Shatter: Your first debuff. It lasts so many seconds depending on the level, but it is a good debuff, starting at like 300 seconds. It lowers the targets resistance to metal and physical damage by a%. It will speed things along all the way through. Adrenal Numbness: Love this. Increases your defensive level depending on skill level for 30 minutes. I would recommend keeping this one leveled.

Saber Rattle: Party buff. This increases your party's attack level for 30 minutes. It can not be used at the same time as Bladed Fervor or Krav Maga. You will not need it for yourself, you have Bladed Fervor. Level it only if you squad a lot early, otherwise hold off till later levels. Mind Shatter: Debuff to lower your targets Wood and Water resistances. The critical rate is increased by a% for a length of time with this debuff.

This is a squad debuff, since you do not use water or wood for attack. Level it if you squad early. Otherwise wait.

Voidstep: A stun. Not just a stun,but a warp or motion to your target also, that plus the 3 second stun makes this more of a PvP skill, if you are PvP'ing.

I would get it. Otherwise, I would not bother. Soul Shatter: Another debuff, this is an Earth and Fire debuff. It lasts for a specific time, it increases the critical rate for Earth and Fire attacks, and it increases the overall damage from Fire and Earth attacks by a%. This falls in the same category as Mind Shatter. Learn it if you squad, wait otherwise.

Quid Pro Quo: This one is very very interesting. It transfers any debuff to any target you wish.

What exactly does that mean? It means that you can transfer and debuff that does not eliminate the ability to cast the skill. Meaning stuns and sleeps. I think this is a skill that needs to be learned, and practiced, it will have uses later in the game for you, if you learn it. That's all of them.

Well, all up to level 59 skills. This is my rule. If you are over level 60 I do not believe you need this kind of guide and I will make guides later on down the line for those of you who are over level 60.

But that may be a long time to come. I am not going to spend a great deal of time on genie skills. I have, and always will say that genie skills are fairly inconsequential. You should be able to function completely without a genie. They are a nice addition and a complement to your play style and class you are playing, but do not put too much faith in them. First and always, I will recommend either Second Wind or Tree of Protection. I tend to go with Second wind, mostly because you can get is sooner than Tree of Protection, and it is an immediate heal.

But, Tree of protection is good also. Either one, but I recommend you always grab a genie heal.

It can save charms or potions or mana. Second wind is a Strength based skill. Tree of protection is both a strength based and Dexterity based, another reason why I suggest Second wind. Alpha Male: I think this is a great skill for a Seeker. It is an aggro skill with a deflect. The deflect is a nice bonus, but the agro is what I have this skill for.

Battousai is an aggro, There may be another that I am not thinking of, but if you plan to do any tanking, you will want this skill. Alpha male is a strength based skill also. Tangling Mire: Tangling Mire is an AOE Slow, and Physical defense decrease that lasts for 10 seconds and is strength based. It falls in good with a Seekers skillset.

Other than that, all you can do is read through the descriptions and pick skills that suit your needs. Seekers are much more versatile than I suspected when I began to play them. I assumed they were an underpowered Blademaster, and that I would find them as that. They may not deal the damage that a Blademaster does, hit for hit.

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But with skill stacking and defensive buffs and AOE. I can almost say that my seeker has replaced my Blademaster, in my heart. No, I can't go that far, but Seekers have some really nice pluses that surprised me greatly. Thank you for reading my Ultimate Seeker Guide.

It has been a long time coming. I am hoping to finally get my Archer guide done soon. If I can ever give my archer any love that is. I don't know why i never noticed this before, but I will give you a quick and dirty answer. I would say, you are either gonna go Nirvana/G16 gear. It's the cheapest all around, But, R8 is a pretty defense oriented set of gear.

Perfect World Online Indonesia

If you don't have cash, you can farm/JoJ for in game coin to pay for the rep, and two or three pieces of the gear is cheap, like 1 mill per. But the other pieces, I believe you need wedding candies and that can get a little pricey. I am going on memory right now so my numbers might be a little off, but close. Get a Cube necklace.

If you log every day the Perfect attendance ring is ok, and then get a sky cover, or at lease a chaotic sign of frost. This is all assuming your lvl 100, if not, all this is kinda useless to you right now.

If not, either follow the Twilight temple gear chain or the rank gear, both are decent. Hey, I figured I'd be better off asking here. I used to play PW back in the day (2007, then I'd quit when I'd get hacked and come back a few months later, the wonders of the brazilian server lol), and now I'm playing a Seeker on the international server. I'm really liking the class and I'm thinking of setting it up as a off-tank. My question tho is, is it possible to get decent gear to do PvE and some other stuff (basically anything but PvP, I've got other games to kill players on) without spending that much money? Like some 1520$ at max every month?

And anyway, thanks for the basic build, it's been helping me a lot:). I am glad I was able to hold your attention. But in all reality. What these guides are about is teaching some basics to those people who are actually starting a new class and leveling that character the old fashioned way.

No hypers or pleveling or millions of coin on fruit just to say you have a level 100 whatever. But to take the time to play and learn a bit. If you are just too advanced to appreciate that there are people out there who would like to understand the basics then why waste your time reading a guide? Thank you for reading my seeker guide though.:).

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