Qcelp Converter: Software Free Download
Quick MediaConverter is a complete universal video and audio conversion tool.Batch Conversions are supported, and it Contains its own codes so there is no need for Addons Support for KDDI, QCELP. I have read the other posts guiding users to the Qualcomm site to download a copy of PureVoice Player or converter. •I have checked the Mozilla 'about:plugings' view and QT Plugin is designated as the correct application to use for embedded.qcp (mime type=audio/vnd.qcelp) Is there.
Greetings, Whether on my G4 laptop or my XP Pro (fully updated) desktop, the Quicktime Plugin refuses to display an embedded player for.qcp files, which are a highly compressed cellphone audio file. This occurs across Mozilla Firefox, Windows Explorer etc. In both the Mac and Win flavors.
I am using the latest version of Quicktime (7.1.5 Pro) and the same (7.1.5) version of the plugin. I have read the other posts guiding users to the Qualcomm site to download a copy of PureVoice Player or converter.
What I want is for Quicktime, in both Win and Mac, to actually play the files, embedded or not. When not embedded, Quicktime returns an Error -2048: the file is not a movie file It is an audio file, it is recognized in the plugin setup and filetypes configuration as an audio file by Quicktime but still won't play. The plugin HAS WORKED at times.
But adjusting ANY setting will suddenly make it stop and it can't be restored. I have deleted all of the plugin files in both QT and the browsers and attempted to start fresh. I have un-installed and re-installed Quicktime Pro. I have stripped out the default programs which load on startup to bare essentials.

I have checked filetype associations and ensured that QT or QT plugin are configured as the defaults.I have checked the Mozilla 'about:plugings' view and QT Plugin is designated as the correct application to use for embedded.qcp (mime type=audio/vnd.qcelp) Is there anyone here who knows what to try next? Self-built P4 3.2GHz/G4 Mac laptop Mac OS X (10.4.8) WinXPpro SP2/fully updated Self-built P4 3.2GHz Posted on Apr 29, 2007 5:56 AM.
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OK, I tried to change the code, as reflected here: This results in the embedded player disappearing entirely from the page. Even in Pro, I can't 'save' the file because the plugin is not functioning. By the way, it displays perfectly for.mid files.
Thank You for your reply.and please share any other ideas. I'm still working with the 'qtsrc' idea. Apr 29, 2007 8:30 AM. You have other issues than just page code. Mms/18472.qcp That URL doesn't exist and failed when I tried to open it using Windows Media Player. The URL format should be mms:// to use a Microsoft Media Stream file.
That style also failed in WMP for Mac. QuickTime can't open mms streams on a PC and sometimes has trouble on a Mac using Flip4Mac component and QuickTime. On a PC you need to include a class ID using a special value and a link to 'codebase' Put the file on an http server and use the.mov format and things should work as you wanted. Apr 29, 2007 8:49 AM. Thanks for your note.
I understand your question about the file. To make it clear, it is on a server and that is the server side script calling it from the subdirectory /mms It loads that.qpc file fine on my office computer using an earlier version of QT.
It loads.mp3,.mid files without a hitch with any version, and it's loading the 3GPP video files in an embedded player on the same page. I will try adding the classid to the server side script and rewrite the extension to.mov although it reports an error when tried locally. I really appreciate your knowledgeable help!
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Apr 29, 2007 10:55 AM. Which would explain why it didn't come close to working! I actually use that codebase for the 3GPP video files on the same page. Is there a PM service on this site so I could send you my site address. I've rolled back from ver.

7.1.5 to 7.1.3 and back further to 7.0.3 and still.no joy. I've configured the Preferences/MIME types 6 dozen times in QT, Mozilla, Windows, you name it! It's showing up as recognized, ready to open with the plugin, and active. It just doesn't work.
Apr 29, 2007 11:26 AM. Following this up.
I experimented in my office today, where the files were displaying fine. When I went in to see the collection of selected files in the Preferences section, MIME types for the plugin.all was fine.
When I saved and exited.the shaded '?' Came up instead of the player. So when you save out of the settings, something happens that disables the QT plugin's ability to play.qcp files. It had NOTHING to do with the file version. The latest version was playing them fine in an embedded player until Preferences was entered.
If anyone has a CLUE what is going on, I'd appreciate your thoughts! Apr 30, 2007 1:36 PM. Apple Footer This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficacy of any proposed solutions on the community forums. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the.
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