Step 7 Micro Win Gratis
Programming with STEP 7 Manual, 05/2010, A5E02789666-01 5 Preface Purpose This manual provides a complete overview of programming with STEP 7. It is designed to support you when installing and commissioning the software. It explains how to proceed when creating programs and describes the components of user programs. The software is however not for free. Only the upgrade is for free. even if the S7-200 is obsolete. STEP 7 MicroWIN V4.0 SP8 and SP9 - Available for Download. Step7 Micro/Win: S7-200 PLCs. Restrictions: Link shows you how to request demo. 60 days, Fully functional. Step7 Lite: S7-300 PLCs. Restrictions: three hundred lines and reduced networking among other restrictions. Step 7 Professional Trial Software: S7-300, S7-400 and S7-1200 PLCs. Restrictions: Link explains how.
I searched the Siemens website and learned I can update my version STEP 7-Micro/WIN 32 V3.02 software to work under the Windows 2000 OS. What I have will only work under Win95 and 98 before second edition. I have to return to this machine and make some changes which I can no longer do.

I found Entry ID: 16649966 S7 Micro/WIN 32 (V3.2) SL or SP4 (single licence - service pack 4?) will enable function with all Windows except VISTA. My problem is I can't find how to down load this 'Update'. (too many ups and downs) Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance!!! Thanks to all (3 sites) for the help.
Well, I found and downloaded what I thought I needed. I guess I misunderstood what I was reading. I thought the Service Pack 2 would enable me to run the software in Win2000.

Download Step 7-microwin Gratis
The software already has to be loaded to install the Service Pack. This would be okay but I can't install the software under the Win2000 OS.
I don't understand the 'support for PPI drivers'. I guess they are talking about the programming cable but why do you need these drivers if the software only works under Win95?
Step 7 Micro Win Gratis Download
Can anyone explain this to me? (I have V3.02) Is it PPI cable to modem!? DESCRIPTION: This version update of Service Pack 2 replaces the previously posted version Customers who have already procured the STEP 7 Micro/WIN32 V3.x can download the Service Pack with the update to V3.1.2 free of charge.
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