Delivery Driver Spreadsheet
On another hand, a delivery person or driver can also make and maintain delivery schedule to deliver customer orders or packages in a particular area eliminating several trips of the area. It also helps them to provide report on delivery related activities to higher authorities.
Consider this budgeting for beginners. Business Insider Over the past five years, I've written about money a lot. I don't pretend to be a financial expert or hold any kind of certification, but between writing, editing, and reading hundreds (thousands?) of stories about money, I've picked a few things up. Chief among them is that the best, most critical first step you can take to improve your finances is to track your spending. If you think about it for 30 seconds, it makes perfect sense. If you don't know where your money goes today, how are you going to realistically plan where it should go tomorrow?
Unless we start writing things down, we're all going to continue, anyway. For a few years, I let LearnVest (where I used to work) track my spending automatically, by connecting my accounts. That was fine, and I recommend it, or a similar service like Mint or You Need a Budget, over doing nothing. But I couldn't get granular enough. I couldn't manipulate the numbers. I couldn't project anything.

And I found having 40 category folders in a drop-down list to be tedious. I started interviewing real people about their budgets for Business Insider, and found myself getting jealous of their spreadsheets.!!!.
Since its creation, I've shared it with a handful of friends, some of whom have shared it with their friends in turn. They've found it useful, so I got to thinking: maybe you would, too. A few disclaimers before we get to the spreadsheet itself:. These are not my actual spending numbers. I repeat: These are example numbers. They are not mine.
Delivery Driver Spreadsheet

They are arbitrary numbers I chose to demonstrate how the spreadsheet works. I don't want everyone knowing the truth about how much money I spend on chocolate or blowouts. That shame is mine alone.
The sheet is not that complicated. That's part of its charm. The formulas in the sheet are pretty straightforward: adding, subtracting, dividing. Nothing wild. Consider it a beginner's spreadsheet.
If you have impressive Excel skills, go ahead and trick it out. It is for tracking your spending, not keeping to a budget. If you want to set up a budget in the traditional sense, imposing spending limits on each category, this sheet will help you establish those limits. However, you'll need to make some of your own additions if you want to track your spending in relation to a budget rather than to get an idea of where your money goes. If you want to use it, you'll have to make a copy. It's a plain old Google Sheet, and it's view-only.
So make a copy, then enter your numbers. (File Make a Copy) Now, to the spreadsheet.

Here's how it works: If you don't want to read about it.
Tonight was my last night working for a pizza delivery chain (let’s just say it starts with a P and ends with a Johns). I took the job as a part time second job to get some extra cash.
When I first got hired, they told me that I could make anywhere from $12 to $15 an hour. In hindsight, it is simply not truewell, maybe if you delivered using a bicycle and not use any gas. So I wanted to share my experience with the company in hope that people realize that us delivery drivers are not banking anything at all and that we, just like servers, depend on tips. Also my story is a warning to delivery drivers to keep track of their mileage and make sure they are not being taken advantage of. When I was working in the store, I was making minimum wage ($7.25/hr where I live), but when I was on the road, I was making $4.00/hr. Another thing, many people believe that the delivery charge goes to the driver but it simply does not. The delivery charge goes to the company and pays for the company’s insurance in case of any damages the driver would cause in case of an accident.
This does not pay for the driver’s insurance, we have to pay for our own insurance. This insurance charge (how I call it) pays for the company’s insurance. Delivery drivers do not get any of the delivery charges. Now some believe that delivery drivers are paid mileage reimbursement and this is true in most cases but it depends on how the company pays and what percent.
At the company I worked for I was paid 6% of the receipt price of an order (before taxes and the delivery charge)regardless of how many actual miles are driven. I will be honest with youthe hiring manager tells you all this on the day of your final interview and when you are signing paperwork but it is really hard to understand exactly what a delivery driver is going to make running deliveries without actually keeping track of the tips you receive and the miles you travel. I decided right then and there that I would keep track of my in store hours, road hours, mileage reimbursement, tips, and miles that I traveled every night that I worked. I created a spreadsheet (I’m a nerd at heart) to figure exactly how much I was going earn per hour after entering all the data. I am sharing my first and pretty much last week at PJohns.
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