Buffy Rpg Revised Pdf

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Explore Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Geek Stuff, and more! Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revised Core Rulebook. Buffy The Vampire SlayerGeek StuffSaysRpgTabletopVampiresFavorite ThingsBuy BooksBookstores. Buffy Rpg Revised Pdf995. The Gamemistress's Character Sheet Archive. Once upon a time, I created some customized character sheets. I was playing. After several years and numerous games, I've garnered. All the sheets are in PDF format, so you'll need Adobe. Acrobat Reader.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game souls have been devoured by the Hellmouth! The Watcher Diaries Sign the Guestbook!!! Want to see what's going on with me? Check out my run by yours truly What's New Latest Updates Last Updated 10/5/2007. Added link to HTML Necronomicon. Nocturnum continues to update.

Moved AFMBE resources to. Added new complete Scenaro: Six Guns and Slaying Web Links Officials. makers of the Buffy RPG. Eden's Fan Submission Website (Note: Currently disappeared. No one knows where). Fan Sites.

our parent site., while not a roleplaying site, is way cool, cuz she's put together a buttload of music videos using Buffy and Angel clips. Definitely worth a look.

Buffy Rpg Revised Pdf

The Unofficial Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG resource site (maintained by The Killer Whale)., a parallel series to our own. See how others handle the Buffyverse! (nice site!). website. FANTASTIC resource, including rules for converting d20 fantasy to Unisystem, and a great generic Unisystem character sheet!., a few new nifty tidbits, spells, monsters, and such for your game here!., because I'll link any well-constructed site for a series that uses my house rules!., which has a slew of new Qualities, and a collected combat maneuvers sheet! Rules and Supplementary Material A note about PDF Downloading Sometimes there are issues within Tripod with downloading of PDF files. Since this is intermittent, there's not much I can do except offer a solution.

If you try to view a file within the browser, and your Acrobat crashes, try right-clicking (or whatever you do with those funky one-button Mac mouses) and saving the file to your computer and viewing it locally with your Acrobat Reader. Once you do that it always will open without a problem. Another issue to consider, especially with the character sheet below, is that Adobe Reader will not allow you to save the form after you've filled it out, nor will it allow you to utilize the character portrait section. For full use of the sheet, I highly recommend the software CutePDF Form Filler, found at:. This program requires Reader for use, and fixes both the saving and insertion of graphics issues, though you still may need to print your graphics to PDF before you can insert them (again, an issue with Reader 6).

similar to those used on the show and in the game, for your pleasure (please note that these are not, to my knowledge, exact replications and no copyright infringement is intended). (This is the OFFICIAL character sheet, with form fillable fields!). for Witches and Wizards, in PDF format (conceived of by Danielle Pullman, and formatted by myself). (Work with any Unisystem game).

(works with any Unisystem game). in PDF format. in PDF., based upon the guidelines in the Magic Box sourcebook, including Chi Abilities as presented in Enter: the Zombie and 2 new Mystically oriented Character Types!.

for using Metaphysics from and a new use for Drama Points (PDF Format). This netbook details the British answer to the Initiative. It was written by Paul Leone and is, in my opinion, a must read.

Even if you're not running a 'canon' style Buffy and Angel game, the two organizations detailed herein are more than suitable for any supernatural action or horror game. Warning: This file is over a meg in size. Necronomicon Props. by Donald Tyson. This 'Olaus Wormius Translation' is my game's 'Official' Necronomicon. Probably the best effort I've seen yet, and well worth picking up for a prop.

Buffy Rpg Revised Pdf Download

Ready-Made Downloads (WARNING: These are large downloads, averaging 4 to 5 MB). My own attempt at a (Mostly graphics-free)., for those who would like an Arabic Necronomicon as a prop (Yes, it should be accurate). (in HTML format!) Crossovers and Genre Rules., adapted for the Unisystem by Salvatore 'Majin Gojira' Cucinotta and Jason Vey (WARNING: LARGE-3.8MB-FILE).


This netbook is HUGE and well worth the download time! Wondering how to use the Mythos in your game? This essay by the master himself might just help. The Unisystem Gothic Cross-Genre Action Theater Netbook Currently includes rules for. And for your enjoyment, stats for.

Please note: The title and copyright pages are attached to each of the above files!. PDF formatted cyberpunk rules. Episodes and Adventure Scenarios Note: many of these below were designed using the Djinn as a Big Bad. They should slot fairly seamlessly into the Djinn season; however, they were largely written with my Cast in mind, so some revisions may be necessary, as they take my own Mythos into account. In addition, after 2 and a half years of play, my Cast has gotten fairly tough.

Those looking to run these adventures with a newer Cast are advised to tone down the monsters somewhat., an original episode for the Buffy or Angel RPGs. Designed for the Djinn season, but easily adapted to any big bad you like, or run standalone!., reformatted as an adventure for the WitchCraft Role Playing Game, with complete cast stats. You can download the entire WitchCraft game for free.

Buffy Rpg Revised Pdf

an AFMBE adventure that lifts more than a few ideas from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Easily modified for the Buffy RPG, and contains complete Cast stats., an original adventure for the Buffy and Angel RPGs, which could be modified to use the Djinn as a Big Bad. Please note: the adventure above was scripted for my cast and contains elements of the Cthulhu Mythos.

Thus, certain changes may need to be structured to use it with the Original Cast or your own characters. If using the Original Cast, suggest replacing Joe Knonaem with Kate Lochley. Schenley Park and Panther Hollow can be replaced with any wooded park containing a pond., adventure notes for the Buffy and Angel RPGs.

This one isn't as complete as those above, but still may be useable to some groups. It involves the Djinn Big Bad., adventure notes for the Buffy, Angel, WitchCraft, and Armageddon RPG's. These are very specific to my group, but others may at least be able to mine them for ideas, and there's some good monster stats in there. adventure notes for Buffy, Angel, WitchCraft, and Armageddon. Specific to my group, but include ideas to mine, a new spell, and some good exerpts from arcane books to use as props. an adventure set in the Old West, in the year 1881!

Buffy Rpg Revised Pdf Download

Billy the Kid, demonic gunslinging preachers, Ghost Riders in the Sky, and the Devil himself! Hang on to your hat, pardner, and keep your powder dry. You're in for a Hell of a ride.literally.

Our NEW series, using Conspiracy X! Click the logo to visit the site.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revised Corebook cover. Publisher(s) Publication date 2002/2003 Genre(s) Action/Adventure, Horror, Drama System(s) The Buffyverse role-playing games - the and role-playing games - are complementary, officially licensed (RPGs) published by The Core Rulebook was published in 2002, while the Corebook followed in 2003. Both games use a streamlined (or Cinematic) version of Eden Studios' popular game engine, also featured in and, two of Eden's better-known original product lines. In both games, players are able to take on the roles of characters from the respective television series or create wholly original characters as they and their group see fit, effectively building their own series in the process. Both games have been hailed for their sleek, accessible ruleset and their 'Drama Points' system, which gives players a greater degree of control over the flow of the story, allowing them to call upon heroic bursts of energy, plot twists, and other convenient developments as necessary. The Angel role-playing game won the for Best Roleplaying Game in its year of release. Following the success of the games, Eden Studios went on to release other successful licensed products based on the Cinematic Unisystem engine, including a 2005 game, based on the cult film.

In October 2006, Eden Studios announced that, following settlement of their accounts with Fox and license negotiations, they will cease producing new Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel game books or supplements. Support will continue in online forums and web sites. Contents. Adventures The first published adventure (outside those featured as extras within the main books) specifically created for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer role-playing game was The Dark Druid by Timothy S. The adventure features as a protagonist and ally. His battle with the Fer Doirich continues into the modern age, where the adventure posits that the witches and are the reincarnations of his fosterers and respectively. Game mechanics Character creation The Buffy and Angel RPGs utilize a point-based character creation system, in which each player character receives a set number of points in different categories which can then be spent on Attributes, Skills, and Qualities.

Drawbacks may also be purchased to provide additional character points, up to an overall limit of ten points. The number of points available to any given character depends on the Character Type (see below).

Stats and tests The games utilize a variation upon the traditional (or Classic) Unisystem presented in WitchCraft and All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Commonly known as the Cinematic Unisystem, this variant still relies upon the core mechanic common to all of the system's games, in which the outcome of most actions taken by a player character is determined by the following formula Attribute + Skill + X, where X represents a random result on a ten-sided die. Attributes represent the character's main six abilities, which in this case are three physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) and three mental attributes (Intelligence, Perception, and Willpower). Willpower represents a change from some Classic Unisystem games, and is used for spellcasting rolls as well as other mental or psychic tasks There are seventeen basic skills, many of which have irreverent or humorous names, reflecting the style of Whedon's Buffyverse; for example, Getting Medieval (for armed melee combat), Gun Fu (for firearms), and Mr.

Fix-It (for repair and mechanical work). This base skill set can be expanded through the use of 'Wild Card' skills, which allow a player to establish certain specialties, talents or areas of expertise for their character that might not be covered adequately by the existing rules.

Some Qualities and Drawbacks can also have an impact upon some tests. For example, the Attractiveness Quality/Drawback applies to a variety of social interactions, while some of the package Qualities (such as Slayer, Jock, Artist, etc.) offer assorted bonuses or penalties to rolls under specific circumstances. Character Types Buffy There are three Character Types in the Buffy RPG, though the first two are generally considered most appropriate for most games. The most inherently low-powered Type is the White Hat, a supportive figure similar to or at the beginning of the series.

These characters must frequently focus on specific talents and skills, such as Willow's intelligence and interest in computers, in order to truly excel in any one area. They must also often exercise great care in combat. To make up for their relative weakness, White Hats receive additional Drama Points at the outset, and can use experience points to buy Drama Points at a 1:1 ratio, while Heroes and Experienced Heroes must spend two experience points for each Drama Point. Thus, a White Hat can afford to spend her Drama Points more freely, increasing her chances of survival. According to the rules, however, White Hats lose their 'discount' on Drama Points once they've gained a certain amount of power and expertise. The Hero Character Type represents such figures as Buffy herself, Spike, or Riley Finn.

These are characters with more existing talent (whether this came naturally or through years of training), more experience, and stronger supernatural abilities, if any. As such, they receive a larger number of points to spend on their Attributes, Skills and Qualities. However, their maximum number of Drama Points is only half the store available to a White Hat, and they must replenish Drama Points at a higher cost. Finally, the Experienced Hero Character Type, representing Buffy, Faith, or other major characters toward the end of the series, describes a powerful, skilled character who's already seen a lot of action and learned from it all. The Experienced Hero receives expanded Attribute and Quality Points, and a broadly expanded pool of Skill Points. Angel The Angel RPG features three Character Types which are largely comparable to their counterparts in the Buffy game: the Investigator, Champion, and Veteran.

However, to better reflect the fact that characters on Angel tend to be more experienced than characters on Buffy, all of the Character Types receive additional Skill Points (ten points each extra, except Veterans who only receive five points extra) and other upgrades to put them on par with the cast of the series. Character rewards and development As in many other RPGs, characters can learn and develop by gaining and expending experience points. These are awarded by the Director, who will usually offer a certain number to all characters for the successful completion of an adventure, and may offer additional experience for particularly good role-playing, particularly when the character is forced to confront their emotional issues (which are usually at least partly defined by their Drawbacks), faces unpleasant news or unwelcome developments, or builds upon friendships or romantic relationships. An additional reward may be found in the form of Drama Points; though players may spend experience points to give their characters additional Drama Points, these may also be awarded directly by the director in recognition of excellent roleplaying or in consolation for a difficult or tragic event which may deeply impact the character in question. Canon The Buffy RPG has already contributed to Buffyverse canon, in that and 's last names were provided by in response to queries from Eden Studios. These names are now used widely throughout fiction based upon the series. References.

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