Download Nvq Level 3 Electrical Installation 2357
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Help With Nvq Level 3-in Care
The C&G 2357 is an NVQ route suitable to those of you who hold C&G 2330 or C&G 2365 at level 2 and/or level 3. If you are working as an Electrician and have been advised that you need to achieve NVQ Level 3, Able Skills can provide you with all aspects of the NVQ.
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This 2357 course is the complete practical, theory, skills & qualification training you will need to become a fully qualified electrician. You will not need any further formal training. It contains the 9 Practical & Theory training units of the City and Guilds 2357 NVQ Diploma. It’s both workshop and classroom learning, all the good stuff you expect. (Often called the Knowledge Units). Full details on the C&G 2357 course can be found below however please note that we now deliver the and this seems to be the preferred route for most adult learners. About the C&G 2357 Course, Part One.
Practical & Theory Units: This 2357 course is the 9 Practical & Theory training units part. It’s both workshop and classroom learning, all the good stuff you expect. (Often called the Knowledge Units) It is open to anyone aged 16 and above. This course is the complete practical and theory skills and qualifications training you will need to become a qualified electrician. You will not do or need any further formal training. ( you may of course need to update or upgrade some of your qualifications as you gain experience) You do not need to be employed to take 'Part One' of this 2357 qualification. (Unless you are a funded apprentice) You are able to work as an electrician after completing this course.
You will be employable; you will be skilled and qualified, you could even opt to be self employed. The course is run one week per month for 16 months. This part costs £7490. The 2357 NVQ, & AM2. You do need to be employed or under supervision to take the NVQ part of the 2357 Diploma. It is not compulsory that you take the NVQ or AM2, though we recommend you complete your full qualification perhaps at a later date when it suits your circumstances. The NVQ Part Two of the 2357 is often called ‘on site assessments’.
Essentially it’s the part where an assessor is sent to your workplace to assess how you’re progressing; typically they visit you a number times, no matter where in Britain you live. To finalise your full NVQ, you have to complete an AM2 assessment at a local AM2 centre or one near to you. It’s a three day deal. It is possible to complete the whole thing in 18 months; though 3 years is more typical. It very much depends on how varied your job is to enable you to complete all the varied tasks.

The cost of this part will vary depending on your experience and as such there is no fixed cost that can be quoted. City & Guilds 2357 Course content (Edited for ease of understanding) Managing the job (Completed in weeks 1 & 2) This enables a candidate to understand the health and safety and environmental legislation. The candidate will be able to produce a method statement and risk assessments for each aspect of the electrical installation. The candidate will also have an understanding of managing the project as regards health and safety and timely progress. Fundamental electrical principles (Completed in week 3) This unit provides the background scientific knowledge to complete unit 306. Installation practice (Completed in weeks 4 to 10) These units enable a candidate to install the following wiring systems: Flat profile twin & CPC (Twin & Earth) PVC Flex Plastic conduit and trunking with single core insulated cables Metal conduit and trunking Cable tray SWA cable CY & SY armoured flex MICC and FP200 fire proof cables Cat 5 and cat 6 data cables Fibre optic data cables The following circuits: Lighting, 1 way, 2 way, intermediate Socket outlet circuits – ring and radial Power and heating circuits. The units will cover both single phase and three phase circuits.
All aspects of practical installation are covered. Intermediate electrical principles (Completed in week 7) This unit provides the background scientific knowledge to complete unit 305. Installation design (Completed during Weeks 11 -13) These units cover cable and equipment selection including cable sizing.

A large emphasise is on compliance with BS7671 and the requirements of building regulations etc. 17th Edition and Part P Building regs. Advanced electrical principles (Completed during Weeks 14) This unit covers both fundamental electrical principles and advanced electrical principles. The fundamental principles will have been covered in earlier weeks. This week will cover motors and the science needed to complete units 307 and 308. Inspection and testing and fault finding (Completed during Weeks 15 & 16) These units cover inspection and testing, certification and fault finding.
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