Fw Bell Cg-100d Manual
Hey everybody! I'm a total LabView newbie, so I've got a feeling that my question is probably answered in about a dozen places. All help is appreciated, and please feel free to point me to other threads/tutorials/examples. My company is using LabView 8.2.1 and a coworker has asked me to create a stepper motor that will rotate our device to next to a gaussmeter's probe. Jun 02, 2017 Fw Bell Cg-100D Manual. CG-100D FW Bell Current Clamp Repair ITEM # CG-100D MFG # CG-100D CURRENT GUN QTY: Get Repair Select Repair Options Free Repair Evaluation FREE Questions? Contact our experts: Shop By Phone 800-575. I need a Cal procedure for FW Bell CG-100A DC current probe. Has two ranges, but 4 adjustments.
I need a Cal procedure for FW Bell CG-100A DC current probe. Has two ranges, but 4 adjustments. Would be nice to know what they all do before I go tweeking on it. Schematic would be nice too if available.
I don't have the manual. What's the frequency response/transient response spec? Thanks, mike - Return address is VALID but some sites block emails with links. Delete this sig when replying. Wanted, PCMCIA SCSI Card for HP m820 CDRW. FS 500MHz Tek DSOscilloscope TDS540 Make Offer Wanted, 12.1' LCD for Gateway Solo 5300.
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Boatanchors OT: FW Bell 'Current Gun' CG-100D Boatanchors OT: FW Bell 'Current Gun' CG-100D Robert Groh Tue Sep 9 10:50:45 EDT 2014. Previous message:. Next message:. Messages sorted by: No manual that I could find but some good info here: This is a standard clamp on ammeter, dc/ac response, two current ranges (10A and 100A). I rather doubt it is very complicated inside.
Handy little device which I would certainly use from time to time. 73 Bob, WA2CKY On Monday, September 8, 2014 6:22 PM, Alex Temple Boatanchors wrote: Hi, I know this is not really a boat anchor per se, but it is kind of an oldy.
So hope you guys don't mind my asking if anybody has any information (specs, user manual, etc) about said model amp measuring clamp? I believe these where popular during the 70s-80s (?), but not really sure how old it is. Could not really find any useful information about this model on the web.

Fw Bell Cg-100d Manual
Also, anybody know if back in the day these where any good? Thanks Alex Boatanchors mailing list. Previous message:. Next message:.
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