Anarchy Reigns Soundtrack

Commercial (Digital) published by SEGA on Nov 28, 2012 containing original soundtrack from ANARCHY REIGNS / マックス アナーキー / MAX ANARCHY with compositions by Naoto Tanaka, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Akira Takizawa, DJ Babu performed by Tre-Dot, Sick YG, Skitz The Samurida, C.Wilkes (Ox), Wonder Brown, Bandy Leggz, Doujah Raze, Vstylez.
@Branthog said: I can't tell if you guys are being serious or not?! I listened to the three tracks linked at the top and it sounds AWFUL.
All three of them sound pretty much like the same song and they all seem like they were ripped from some spastic commercial for children with ADHD played during the breaks of a Saturday morning cartoon block from the 1990s. Yeah guys stop it, video games are srious stuff. These songs are stupid, stop putting stupid stuffs in videogames. This doesn't even sound like I can buy a grammy nominated soundtrack for it.
@VinnySays said: @Branthog said: I can't tell if you guys are being serious or not?! I listened to the three tracks linked at the top and it sounds AWFUL.

All three of them sound pretty much like the same song and they all seem like they were ripped from some spastic commercial for children with ADHD played during the breaks of a Saturday morning cartoon block from the 1990s. Yeah guys stop it, video games are srious stuff. These songs are stupid, stop putting stupid stuffs in videogames.
Song He Reigns
This doesn't even sound like I can buy a grammy nominated soundtrack for it. Though, it's not that it sounds 'stupid', it's just that I couldn't tell if people were being snarky about it or legitimately thought it was great. Because it just sounds like some manufactured cookie-cutter pseudo-rap laid over some stock no-royalty techno-beats. Kind of like how if I said 'Man, American Horror is a fucking amazing show with great writing and plot!' , you'd probably rightfully assume I was being a sarcastic asshole. Anyway, can I just start using some sort of a INSERT VINNYSAYS FOR ME tags into posts from now on and you can follow up after me and say what I'd like to say for me?
I'm with Branthog on this one as well. I'm a fan of the opening menu song and when I was about to play I expected that the soundtrack would be filled with songs like that. Some nice jazz would be good to hype up the game but overall it just sounds like bad rap, and I'm a big fan of rap. I don't know, it just sounds overbearing like the music from the Devil May Cry soundtrack. That or a really bad imitation of some of the songs from the wonderful soundtrack from The World Ends With You (mostly thinking of Twister).
@Branthog: @Branthog said: Yes! Though, it's not that it sounds 'stupid', it's just that I couldn't tell if people were being snarky about it or legitimately thought it was great. Mapinfo professional 9.0 crack. Because it just sounds like some manufactured cookie-cutter pseudo-rap laid over some stock no-royalty techno-beats. Kind of like how if I said 'Man, American Horror is a fucking amazing show with great writing and plot!'
Anarchy Reigns Soundtrack Lyrics
, you'd probably rightfully assume I was being a sarcastic asshole. People have opinions. Just in case you didn't know. Also I find it great and a lot of fun that fits the game. Holy shit the music in this game is the worst. A strong reminder of how different people's tastes can be that people like it at all. @Branthog said: I can't tell if you guys are being serious or not?!

I listened to the three tracks linked at the top and it sounds AWFUL. All three of them sound pretty much like the same song and they all seem like they were ripped from some spastic commercial for children with ADHD played during the breaks of a Saturday morning cartoon block from the 1990s. Dude I'm with you, but I guess they like it. It sounds just like the awful SEGA music of the Dreamcast era that I was hoping died but somehow it reappeared in 2013.
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