Coh Direct2drive Activation Code
I bought a host of GameFly games before they were taken over by Direct2Drive. Nevertheless, I continued to have access to these well after Direct2Drive became the established owner. However, recently when I wanted to download some of those games again, I discovered that the activation keys no longer work. I emailed Direct2Drive a number of complaints about this issue, but only ever got a bland automated response essentially saying 'we're working on it.' Aside from suddenly losing access to content I have rightfully purchased, the customer service and after care from Direct2Drive has clearly degenerated since I last had to contact them (they were previously very helpful). I can no longer recommend them.
Direct2Drive has been passed around from investor to investor over the years. First to Gamefly in 2014, and then to AtGames a couple years ago. With each progressive change of hands, the company becomes more and more useless. Since the most recent sale, they have had issues with games purchased under the previous companies not activating. The message you get when you put the code in is 'Activation Revoked'.

I WAS ABLE TO LOAD MY ORIGINAL COH Games all but Opposing Fronts.It keeps telling me key is not Valid.I got my key from direct2drive like the others but cant get it to work on Steam.any help?I copied and pasted from the key code on Direct2drive. Lol.this is the state of PC gaming. Redeeming codes for DLC on a game you don't own and eventually picking up the base game for free, and some kind stranger reminding you about the free keys you probably have. Seriously.everyone who PC games seems to have TONS of games they have not played. Step 2: Now, install any of the expansion packs either CoH: OF or CoH: ToV. A warning message will display before installation that a previous version copy of Company of Heroes exists and it will delete in the process of installing the expansion pack; however, be ready with the CD key of original CoH if you want the missions of original version too.
I have an entire catalog of games I legally purchased that I can no longer play because Direct2Drive seems incredibly uninterested in solving the issue. The last update they gave on it was over a month ago, and they have ignored repeated emails and attempt to resolve the problem. Decimal to binary program in c.
Save yourself a headache and go to a more reputable game source. I have multiple games which are not playable due to D2D activation issues, games with no download links, games with no serials, and games with no place to enter serials anymore (yet still require them!).
Using their 'support' FAQ's, the given instructions made one game functional and didn't work for the others. Emails to their 'customer service' only received auto-replies based on keywords in their email form. I tried getting around this by choosing 'general question' and nothing that would be considered a keyword and simply received another auto-reply as generic as mine. I have been waiting over a month for responses to my tickets and I do not anticipate a response.
If it were possible, I would get a refund for every game I spent money on from this atrocious company. As it is, the purchases were made several years ago which makes that outcome unlikely. I would not recommend this company to anyone.
There is NO SALE good enough to justify making a purchase through them. 1 out of more than 20 games worked upon install. I can name at least 5 other companies who have better pricing, better service, and functional games. This is all such a pity. I recall this company's beginning and while I would not ever have labeled them as 'great', they were a good, solid, dependable gaming storefront. I purchased CoH: Tales of Valor and this game got transferred to Steam.
My CD key allows me to download the game on Steam but I cannot activate and play it once it is downloaded. So, I paid for a game that is impossible to play.
Direct2Drive will not activate the game for me. There is no phone number.
Coh Direct2drive Activation Code Free
And the latency in their email communication would require that I leave my CoH window open with the 'unlock request code' showing and wait until they respond (otherwise a new unlock request code is generated). So basically my money on this game is a complete loss.
It's absolutely ridiculous. I've had malware more useful. I've owned tons of games for many years, and yet they all the sudden stop working. Direct2drive is forcing me to register with them, even though the games have worked fine forever. Then when you try to activate with them, it doesn't work, and the link to request manual activation doesn't either. Currently I own multiple copies of Rome:Total War. Between Steam, standalone, and whatever direct2drive acquired or thinks they acquired.
I can't mod my steam version, and the one direct2drive bought or acquired is now unplayable. Between gamespy, steam, and direct2drive, I wish these fools would get out of the gaming business, and stop trying to covert existing and paid for games to their own systems every time they buy someone out. I'm filing a complaint here and with PayPal. I am very computer savvy.
Activation Code Generator
A couple days ago I bought a game for 24.95. After I purchased it I got an auto confirmation.
Later an activation code. I started 'Steam' found my program and clicked on it and nothing happened, zero. Obviously I couldn't use the activation code if it didn't run. I went to support which is ONLY email through their server. I explained what happened. Well 3 days later, still nothing and the game price dropped to $6.99.
The price today is $6.99. I filled out their form for complaining and it would NOT send. I tried 4 times and would not go and no error message to me. This company is not trustworthy and should be investigated by the States Attorney General.
That's my next letter!
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