Hp San Expert Tool
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Hp San Expert Tool Reviews
Your question is one that I have received a number of times and proves that this is a challenge for many people. Having a view of the infrastructure enables an administrator to understand the environment and the changes therein in detail. There are a variety of tools available that all have a variety of capabilities. One tool that I like is a tool from Computer Associates, called BrightStor SAN Designer. This solution integrates seamlessly with Visio.
There is a discovery phase and planning phase, which provides the ability to discover the SAN and then plan updates. In addition, the tool has a rules base that can be leveraged from best practices for setup and configuration of complex SAN environments. These rules were written in conjunction with the SAN hardware and software vendors and are updated regularly. There are also a variety of SAN management products including:. Veritas CommandCentral Storage.
McData SANavigator. FujitsuSoftek There are many others, including the tools that ship with the various switch, HBA and storage solutions. Many customers are currently using the tools that come with their SAN vendor's hardware to effectively manage their environments. And many of these tools have matured and can provide some of the capabilities that you are looking for, maybe not 100% of them, but since they are included at no charge, you may be able to create a full solution with a bit of your own time. Each of these products does active discovery and management of the environment, providing not just a visual map, but eventing and alerting, as well as some built-in policy management.
In addition, many of these offerings do active management and provisioning, including LUN provisioning and zoning. These tools integrate into the large enterprise management system so there is a single window onto the overall IT environment.
I would suggest contacting these vendors and arranging for reviews after you after done some homework to list out your specific requirements and goals in purchasing this type of software. E-Zine. E-Handbook. E-Zine Related Q&A from We are currently using an HDS9960 array and are planning to upgrade early next year to another enterprise array. We're in the process of evaluating. We are looking at purchasing a new storage system for our financial application, what should we be looking for?
The system needs to provide very high. Storage management expert Brett Cooper answers the question: Are there any basic guides on how a manufacturing company could manage their data better? Have a question for an expert? Please add a title for your question Get answers from a TechTarget expert on whatever's puzzling you. Add a title You will be able to add details on the next page.
Hello Experts, I have inherited a SAN configuration and am in need of some expert assistance. I have an HP MSA 2312i SAN that consist of two enclosures which provide storage for my XenServers. One of the drives in the second enclosure was generating errors, so HP had me install O320B02 in the Storage Management Utility website under Tools Update Firmware Install Expansion Module Firmware.
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Now that table reads: Enclosure ID Enclosure Name Module ID Module Position Module Part Number Module Code Version 2 Enclosure 2 A Top AJ751A 3202 2 Enclosure 2 B Bottom AJ751A 3202 During the firmware update the system became unavailable, however HP had me power cycle and it appears that the new firmware (3202) is showing on that table. However after doing the update, my XenServers are acting crazy and I'm seeing all sorts of issues. Plus oddly one of the power supplies is faulting now, for which they are shipping a replacement. I noticed that when I view the enclosures, the EMP information no longer matches (it previously did) and I wonder is this is an issue. Enclosure ID 1.

Vendor HP Model SPS Chassis Disk Slots 12 Part Number 481321-001 Manufacturing Date 2009-10-21 16:16:17 Manufacturing Location Shunde,CN Revision A EMP A Revision 1112. HP is saying that the first enclosure firmware hasn't upgraded, however I don't see an option for doing this. The update for the main controllers is meant to update any enclosures EMP after doing the main unit, have you tried to repeat it? Although HP asked you to upgrade Install Expansion Module Firmware you could have done upgrade controller firmware, that way the controller updates (10 minutes) and then the EMPs (3 mins each). I must admit I haven't had fun updating MSA2000 firmware either, sometimes given up with doing it with the web GUI and run the executable on a PC that pushes it out instead and left the PC running overnight - thought it had hung. Can't find the G2 SMU reference guide, the G3 might help.
Hi, I used to be an HP SAN expert, but I left HP some time ago, but my good friend is currently the goto guy for HP in this area, so I asked him for you. He said that he has seen this issue before, and what he recommends is the following: 1.) Make sure all servers are down. 2.) Shut down the MSA 3.) Pull the controller that was successfully updated. 4.) Bring up the MSA with just the controller that failed to update 5.) Update the controller. Assuming the Update takes which he thinks it will with just the one controller, re down the MSA, reinstall the other controller, bring up the MSA and all should be well with the world.
If it still doesn't take, he says there is a hidden reset switch on the back of the controller which you can try pushing. He cautioned that this is not a 'use it whenever' type switch, but this is a last ditch before the controller needs to be replaced, so if it still doesn't take, you can reset it, and try again. Hope this helps!

I'm going the same route as everyone on this, having to deal with MSAs, EVAs and now P6000, powerdown everything, and redo the update. This is how I usually do when controllers seems to be 'in need of attention'. Experience also tells me if you can, reboot the damn thing before and update after. This seems to somehow help getting rid of firmware updates that fails or hang mysteriously. And no need to mention that backups of everything is more than crucial when doing updates;).
As always provided as is no warranty as even trained professionals can 'brick' systems with a faulty update:P.
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