Business Intelligence In Banking Pdf

. Part of the book series (SCI, volume 430) Abstract Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of tools, technologies and process in order to transform data into information and information to required knowledge for improve decision making in organization. Nowadays, we can confidently claim that the use of business intelligence solutions can increase the competitiveness of organization and outstanding it from other organization. This solution enables organization to use available information to exploit the competitive advantages of being a leader and have a better understanding of customer needs and demands to allow better communication with them.
Business Intelligence In Banking Pdf
In this paper we explain about principals and elements of BI in fist section and in second section we discuss about the application of BI in banking industry and consider Saman Bank of Iran as a case study in order to applying BI solution.
Business Intelligence In Banking Pdf Free
Business intelligence systems in banks must be comprehensive and yet simple for the. Ry are also intelligence, alyses and tween data of business t System in. 002) siness nks should all business to manage ntial of a urces. Business banking busi.
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